Monday 2 April 2007

*A living miracle*

Yes, baby is a miracle. I can't stop thinking about the fact that I will be a 1st time mum in August. I keep reading about how big the baby gets every week and all the changes that happen in his/her little body. I feel like only 50% on my brain can understand this amazing living miracle. Isn't it amazing to think that a human being is growing in me? I am speechless when I feel his/her moving and kicking. There is just no word that could ever express what I feel right now. I am just in awe. I feel the weight of the responsibility. I am already so in love with baby. So protective. I feel so excited and yet so terrified. Nervous. Scared. Happy. In awe.

I guess, just as I said before, baby is a "Living Miracle".

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