Wednesday, 14 March 2007

*wednesday love*

Index card love. Turned into little cards to send
out as random happy post.

I love this wednesday. I love this wednesday because I handed my essays in! Which means they are done and over and finished! Which also means I got to make pretties So my *wednesday love* is in two parts, firstly handing essays in, and secondly my own form of therapy. Making stuff!

I am missing Flora's *wednesday love*. I am sad that she can't get connected, and that it looks like this is majorly my blog. But I know that she will be getting broadband soon, so I just have to hang on till then. I still miss her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so missing you too Rhi. But look... I HAVE GOT INTERNET!!! YAY I was looking for you on msn tonight but didn't see you. Maybe tomorrow. Love you xxxxxxx