Tuesday, 13 March 2007

Some reasons why...

There are alot of reasons I do what I do. By that I mean make "stuff". I'm always making stuff, whether it's last minute flowers as wrapping accessories or paperbag journals for friends and customers. I like to make things pretty. Glow in the dark skeletons, my boiler, photos, bags, candles. If it doesn't move, i'll attach ribbon and buttons in abundance. This is therapy for me. It keeps my hands active and my brain focused. I create little bits of beauty in a world that is messy and ugly alot of the time. My world became excruciatingly ugly three years ago. On the 26th April 2004 my youngest brother died, unexpectedly, unfairly, messily, and at the hands of others. I dealt, and still am dealing with this in different ways, but one of those ways was journalling, and making, and creating. In the first months after I would spend hours painting canvases, creating journal entries and making cards. I'm pretty sure some of the journalling we do offline will be shared over the months that me and flo blog our other "stuff".

The emotional stuff. The stuff we all carry with us, as humans, as girls, as women.

One of the other reasons I make "stuff" is because I choose to believe this...

and let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, And establish the work of our hands for us; Yes, establish the work of our hands. - Psalm 90.17

I don't think the world is all that hot most days, and I question God alot, so if I can make beauty in that? Then it makes things kinda easier. Sometimes.

1 comment:

Rhi said...

nu uh, not at all Nush :o)