Wednesday, 7 February 2007

*wednesday love*

Wednesday has always seemed a kinda sucky day. Mid way through the week, another two days to go till the weekend, not really all that much to look forward too. This = not happy in rhi's world. SO I gots to thinking...what would make this day better? Prettier? More beauty filled?

*wednesday love* of course! Which is basically an ultra cute way of challenging myself to find some glimpse of beauty within the day. Even when it's freezing cold, grey, and all I want to do it wear flip flops and sit on a beach crocheting. (yes. I crochet.) Sometimes I find it's necessary to do this. To force yourself to see something positive in the day. To choose to see something that makes you smile inwardly no matter how you feel generally. I try to do this daily, but for the sake of this blog, wednesday will be the day that I, and Flo, will photograph at least one thing that we have found beauty in. That has made us smile. We will be posting our finds every wednesday, and I have a sneaky suspicion in the exotic environment Flo lives in her's WILL involve flipflops and a beach!

Please post things that have made you smile this wednesday. Or Thursday as i'm a little late in posting ;o) Post a picture if you want. Leave your comments here on the blog, or on our myspace if you fancy it that way. As this is the first official *wednesday love* all of your entries will be put into a hat and two names will be pulled out at random. Those two people will recieve a little postal love from us. Because post is always a garantee to make you smile.

My *wednesday love*? Having coffee with a friend on a freezing cold grey welsh day. In Starbucks of course ;o)

Now...time to find my's not quite time for flipflops just yet.


Anonymous said...

waking up to snow :o)

Megan said...

My best boy bought me a creme egg shakeaway, and followed me all around town while I pointlessly went in and out of shops. That was my wednesday love.

Anonymous said...

Well I'm a little late but my Wednesday/Thursday love was spending three hours at my kitchen table talking to a friend I haven't seen for ages. Was lovely to spend all that time just chatting and not having to rush.

Anonymous said...

The most beautiful thing about my thursday was watching Laguna Beach while it snowed outside...and dreaming of our lovely holiday and being too warm :) Lets go now.

Loving all this, frosty x

LuzinhaFolch said...

ahaha Being tagged by you was the coolest thing is this cold and boring swedish winter!
I'll find a nice pic to put on my blog in honor of you dear!LOL