Tuesday, 27 February 2007


Hey there,

I bet you've been wondering if I truly exist after not hearing from me since... well, since the beginning!! My amazing friend Rhi did an amazing job at making this blog possible and so beautiful. The story of our friendship has been pretty amazing and I consider myself extremely privileged to have her in my life. She is so amazing, unique, talented and truly is beautiful. I admire her. She has taught me so much already and has inspired me to be.

Yes, it is all about beauty. About true beauty. Does that make sense? Does "true beauty" even exists? Oh yes it does... gosh! I so want it. I am pursuing it. And probably will purse it all my life. It's all about growing and discovering who we are as woman. To me, beauty, true beauty starts by just being. Being who we are everyday. That's what I can do. That's what I am. And who will always be.

I have been living in Maripa Soula, which is a tiny village in the jungle of South America. It's been a wonderful experience to be there. My hubby and I are loving it. The only down fall is that the internet connection doesn't work so well... that sucks and it's really frustrating. But, I am now back for a bit more than a week. I am going to make the most of it!!!! :)

Well, it's 1am for me, so I guess, it's bed time! Sweet dreams and don't forget to be. Be you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Flo *waving* Lovely to meet you at last. :)

Rhi said...

thankgoodnes shes alive! ha. you are too kind about me, i don't like the praise.
am excited to see what your little heart is going to type!

Anonymous said...

hahaha yes, I am alive!!!

It's lovely to meet you too Christine :)