Wednesday 7 February 2007

Here we go...

The ultimate point of this blog for Flora and I is to get to know each other better. To learn through each other, and to perhaps encourage each other. In a world that is very preoccupied with the media's idea of "beauty", with outer appearance, and possession of items, we just want to create a little space for true beauty. For things that take our breath away. For beauty in character. For things that make us smile, and giggle, and see a little piece of prettyness within an often ugly and judgemental world. We want to try and understand what beauty is, how we can become it, and hopefully clean up the areas of ourselves that aren't so beautiful.

We would love it if people want to take this journey with us. This space is for beauty. We will talk honestly about how we feel. We will share things that shine with beauty to us. We will strive to find beauty amongst things that would seem to ugly or "normal" to societies values.

We believe we are all beautiful. And we just want to understand more what this "beauty" really is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such an amazing idea.