Monday, 31 December 2007

just a word

i can't believe this is the last day of 2007! it's like i've blinked and there we are. a few hours away from 2008! where's the time gone?

it's funny to hear people talk about the goals that they want to accomplish in 2008. like 'i wanna loose 1 stone' or 'i'm not gonna have anymore chocolates' or 'no more tv' or 'find a better job' or 'a bigger house'... etc!

this year, i 'm determined.
to eat as much chocolate as i want!
to drink tea
and above all else, love the people i love with everything in me.
cherish them.
and let them know they are precious to me.
hug them a bit tighter and longer than usuall.
and being there for them.
even if that means just listening.
and drinking tea.


Monday, 24 December 2007

Friday, 21 December 2007

girly sale talk

i love shopping. now and then, i enjoy going out for an hour or two just walking in and out of shops. just to look. admire. and want. i don't always buy things. cause i dislike spending a great of money on things that i don't need. or clothes that cost so much money because all that you're buying in reality is the trademark!
i went in a nice very well known shop the other day and saw a lovely black dress that i really liked. i so wanted to buy it, but when i looked at the price... well... let's just say that the craving went away right away. the dress was £60! to me, that's expensive for a dress that hardly has any material to it.
today, i walked by a not well known shop... and i saw those 'sales' signs everywhere. so, i decided to go in and have a look. i couldn't believe it, but to my surprise i saw a nice wool black dress on sales. the last one. it was my size. and the dress was £3!!!!!
ooohhh, sales are worth it ladies! ;)

Thursday, 13 December 2007

back back

and it feels so nice to be cold again! so nice to see cars and shops again. it's crazy how we can take things for granted. when we live in a place, we often get fed up and ungrateful. and when you've left, then you wanna come back!
i've missed england so much! family is so precious. friends are real treasures!

Sunday, 9 December 2007

If there is anything I have learnt in my short yet painful 24 years, it is this.
Knowing when to be silent,
how to be silent,
and just how necessary it is.

Friday, 30 November 2007

merry happy

warm rainy days, long hot bubble baths, star filled skies, strawberry fool tea, baggy pyjamas, pacman, polka dot wellies, stripey knee length socks, holga photos, etsy, wooly scarves, rice pudding and jam, beautiful novels, gloomy winter scenes, acorn people, real log fires, creme brulee coffees, stranger than fiction, knitted blankets, vintage bicycles, antique silver finish, black rimmed glasses, gingerbread men, sequined headbands....

Saturday, 24 November 2007

precious moments

he makes me smile
he brings unconditional joy to my life
little boy, mommy loves you

Thursday, 22 November 2007

tiny post

we often forget that being ourselves is so much than enough. let's enjoy 'being'. let's enjoy it completely... not just some parts. but totally!

Saturday, 17 November 2007

powerless. angry. love. compassion. joyful. strange. thoughtful. pretty. frustrated. fed up. great. small. tired. happy. motivated. dreamy. grumpy. joky. sarcastic. what i've been feeling this month.

Wednesday, 24 October 2007

carebear duvet cover

I am so tired right now. I think uni is wearing me out. Aswell as this general time of year. Christmas time. Yes a little early, but the shops don't think so.
It's playing havoc with my creativity. As in - I have none! Tiredness is always a killer for everything, huh?
Hopefully I will post better some time soon x

Saturday, 20 October 2007

Day 20

Our self portraits today both have a similar effect. I like it :)
This was totally not spoken about.

Thursday, 18 October 2007


Blogger hasn't been working for me! But it is now, happy days.
This little beauty was part of my birthday present from Lucy. Isn't she pretty? I had been in Accessorize admiring these ladies, but not being able to justify purchasing one for myself - and then there she was! In my belated birthday package! She has legwarmers!
So. I'm taking a selfportrait/photo (either one) a day for this month, because it is the month that I turned 24. I really don't mind getting older. Some people freak out about it - my cousin does. She gets all depressed and miserable coz she has to add another year to her age. Me? I LOVE adding the years! Seriously. I can't wait to be proper old.
But this little lady has made me want to actually make a self portrait. So that is what I shall do. I thought I would post here, see if anyone (flo!) wants to do it aswell. She/he can be made out of anything. A paper doll with chanageable outfits, a reconed barbie complete with hand made accessories, a cloth rag doll, a box lady. You name it, i'm pretty sure its doable.
I have nooooooo idea what i'm doing. I just think it will be interesting to see how I 'make' myself. There's no deadline. Just an invite to do it with me :)
Chops away. Uni, boooooo.

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

wednesday love

because being who we are is so much more than enough. so. let's have fun with it and enjoy being ourselves!

Thursday, 11 October 2007


YES YES YES IT IS.... RHI'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ladies, (and gentlemen too ha) it's is today!
and i didn't get the date is the right one, this time! lol


i love you

PS oh by the way, the cakes are for ya. this time i added vanilla and cinnamon. and they both are made with soya milk. they are twins sister cakes ha!

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Day 10

The day before my birthday. I.E. The day before my birthday self portrait.
Rock on.
I will be a good lovelyhead blogger again soon. I promise.

sunset love

it was 6am when i took that picture. i was sitting in the hamac looking at this beautiful sunset. meditating. thinking. being thankful for the all the things that i have. being content. with just me. nothing less. nothing more.

Saturday, 6 October 2007

what they say

'they' (fashion people) say that if we wear a skirt then we either wear it over the knees or under. but not in the middle. looks like i've broken the stupid rule! ha. by the way, this is a T.shirt/dress... well, i've transformed it into a skirt. that's what happens when you don't fit in your maternity clothes or... in any actually! ha.
PS notice the flip flops... they are from the lovely rhi. x

Wednesday, 3 October 2007

happy birthday to you

i know it's early but i don't care! RHIAN, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

to auntie Rhi...

...from your nephew Calum


this is me enjoying the beautiful fishes that you bought me. i stare at them everyday! they keep me entertained! also i love the pillow... thanks for making it just for me. i must be a special little boy!

yeah... i know! chocolate's bad for my teeth... but i don't have any yet!

Sunday, 30 September 2007

the beginning of a new life

being a mom is equal to: kisses, laughters, patience, no sleep, smiles, giggles, fun, sacrifices, ups and downs...

i love it. i love him. my little prince that is. he is beautiful.

Friday, 21 September 2007

Birthday Love!

Happy Birthday Flo!

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Good times...

It's Wednesday. It's been raining all day. I don't feel very well. I had no post. This does not seem to be a very happy Wednesday.
Sure, I love the feeling of autumn that has suddenly come down over Wales in the last few days. And yes, I love to sit in my window seat and read books that bring my joy alive. But none of these make my Wednesday love today.
It's aaaaaall about the t.v.

Yeah yeah, I'm supposed to be this creative soul that believes in making a mess and painting your way through life. And that still stands. But today, is a good t.v. day. Heroes. Brothers and Sisters. What About Brian. And Sex and the City.

I don't care if it's numbing my brain and causing my creativity to die. I love these shows. And they are all on tonight. Tonight is a good night.

Thursday, 13 September 2007

a yellow love...

don't you just love breaky time? i do. i love the fresh smell of bread & coffee in the morning. that's my love for the day!

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

for flo

Because having a new baby = needing pretty food.


Rhi, thanks so much for the beautiful banner!!!!!! It's so beautiful!!!!!!! He was just a few minutes old when Chris that picture/video!
I can't believe Calum is already 10 days old today! Not too long ago, he was still in my belly! How strange! Now, my belly is all flat and I've gotta learn how to walk again without having a 3kg600 baby in it! I can't believe that I actually gave birth! I was so nervous about it all... and now, it's over and my beautiful baby boy is here. He's so handsome, i could look at him all day long. So precious. So perfect. He has brought so much joy in my life, and Chris's life.

We took him to the photo shop the other day, so that he could have his passport picture done. He was hilarious... doing all sorts of different faces... with his tiny little tongue sticking out all the time! The picture came out great! He looks like a grand dad... with his little double chin! ha! What a cutie pie! aaahhh he made us laugh!

Our lives are now totally different. Changed. For the better. And I know that the best is yet to come!

Sunday, 26 August 2007


New banner babies! To honour the arrival of one teeny lovelyhead!

Flo had Calum today at 1.22 am - which is loooong, because she emailed me yesterday saying she had been having contractions since 3 am her time (that's midnight uk time!). She went into hosp at 5 am her time, where they told her she definitely was in labour, but go home and come back within 2 hours. So bless her - it seems it was a long one! It was definitely epidural called for in my opinion!

I'm crazy working on the announcement for her right now. But I have it on good authority from Mr.Flo, that she is doing well still in hospital with Calum.

Ah *sigh* I just want to squeeze those cheeks!

Thursday, 23 August 2007

*wednesday love*

My mum.
Showing me the places she walks alot.

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

*wednesday love... for me?!?*

this made my day. i got a wednesday love today. funny how little things can make such a big difference.

Monday, 20 August 2007


I heart music alot. This song Something About Angels by Justin King - I love big amounts. It's one of those songs I listen to over and over and over again. I love those kinds of songs. Stay by Lisa Loeb was the first song that I ever found like that. It was the first single I ever bought, and I still love it and listen to it over and over again.
Music = Magic.

Friday, 17 August 2007

little things...

tonight, i really want to taste one of those... (rhi's amazing baking talent)

and wanna eat this...

i could never eat breakfast without this love of mine...

could definitely eat this forever...

my fav shoes (trademark)

ok... enough rambling now!

Thursday, 16 August 2007

Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Some babbling...

"Because it isn't just concerts and surfing and the high points, and it isn't just those beautiful moments in the midst of the everyday and mundane; it is also in the tragic and the gut wrenching moments when we cannot escape the simple fact that there is way more going on around us than we realize."
Something I realised when my brother died, is just how tragedy is all around. I know that probably makes no sense seeing as I actively choose to try and see beauty in things, but I'm pretty sure it is not untill you are living in total pain, that you begin to realise the pain that is around you. You become aware of people that have no idea of the pain, and people that are living through so much more than you that you don't have a right to hurt. You measure people by their ability to understand and the people who think they understand but really don't.
Aswell as choosing to attempt to find glimpses of beauty in the mundane, I also choose to believe that as Rob Bell said "there is way more going on around us than we realise."

I've had to not see some people, not talk to others, because they are so unhelpful and unhealthy for a person in grief. Do you know what? Three and a half years on. I am okay with that. It's necessary. Some people, no matter how they think they are, really aren't good for me. And I am okay with it.

I want to spend my time with people who think about more than their next purchase, people who don't overspiritualise the smallest things, people who havn't left their humanity behind. People who think, who are acting out their words, people with integrity, character, and passion. And I am okay with that.

But most importantly, I want to be a person who is helpful for others in grief and pain. I don't want to be one of those people that others avoid. I want to be a person full of love and compassion.
THAT is beauty, bitches boooooi! (As Rhys would say.)

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

I'm craving to do those things everyday. To live means 'to be' for me. And it can be a tricky thing to do. To smile. To love. Even when I don't have reasons to. Even when it seems pretty dark around. Doing it because I am 'me'. And that's more than enough.

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

*wednesday love*

This is the view from my mum and dad's new cottage. Could it be any more peaceful? It's bliss.
I thought that garage was kinda funny. It's just randomly there!

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

wednesday love

a place of peace. quiet. sincerity. love. that's where i wanna be right now. somewhere where i can rest. everyday. forever. make my life count. living a life full of integrity. i am learning. learning to grow. even when it hurts.

Thursday, 19 July 2007

ever being

It's kinda hard to 'be' and to be 'ever'. It feels like a juxtoposition of terms. But I do believe its possible. You just have to master it.
Which I havn't quite yet :)

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

*beach date*

we were supposed to go to the ice cream shop.... but change of plan!!!!!! hubby tool me to the beach for a beautiful romantic picnic!!!!!! it was great and enjoyed every minutes of it :D

*Wednesday Love*

So, I treated myself yesterday. Well, to be honest, it was a necessity. My hair's growing so fast... it was getting out of control!!!!!!!!!! My head was soon gonna look like the south american jungle!!!!!!!!!! lol It felt so good to do something for myself... you know what I mean?
Today is gonna be a beautiful day. It is a unique day. I've been invited on a date by hubby! I love dates and am so excited about going to my favorite ice cream shop!!!!!!!! :D yay
Chris isn't only my hubby... but he is my best friend. I could talk to him forever. About everything and anything. I consider myself so lucky to be able to stand by his side and witness his life. I feel so privileged to be the mother if his baby... and babies to come! :p

I will take a picture of my nice dessert so I can share it with you :D
Will be back later

*Happy Wednesday to ya'll*

Friday, 29 June 2007

*Friday Love*

I'm such a proud mum already!! Can you tell? lol

Thursday, 28 June 2007

*wednesday love*

My hands are covered in yellow and green paint. I have pages scattered around the floor drying. I mounted 64 stamps ready and waiting to play with. My table is covered in stuff. Making a mess will always and forever be the best kind of *Wednesday love*

Thursday, 21 June 2007

stop...a partial wednesday love

stop and have coffee with a friend.
stop and read a book.
stop and laugh loud.
stop and see beauty wherever you are.
stop and make a mess with paint.
stop and live life...

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

*Wednesday Love*

i love post. these lovely goodies are from my lovelyhead friend. they make me smile. these are so beautiful. so me. i love them. they've brought so much joy to me this week as i've been trying to understand how come some people can hate someone so much because of the color of their skin? i'm not getting it. i can honestly say that i've never looked at that. never once have i ever thought that i loved or hated someone because of the color of their skin. it makes me sad. i hate racism. and i think it's very ugly. it's hurtful. painful to be rejected because of what we look like. Or because of what we don't look like. if only we could all realize that there is so much more than this. if only we could all look beyond. beyond superficial things. things that don't even matter. things that are vain. things that will not last.

if only we could see beyond and deeper...