Wednesday 30 May 2007

Simple *Wednesday Love*

Loving the sun. The cool breathe reminds me of Switzerland for some reason. Loving this new apple cinnamon herbal tea. Wanting to bake but can't be bothered. So thankful for the friends I have... for the strong friendship. Loving my family. Feeling protective. At peace and yet restless. Thankful for the little thing that make my life brighter everyday. Grateful for the beauty that no one sees. How much we weight isn't the definition of true beauty. Tired of lies. Of injustice. Hating it. I choose to be me. Not what other people expect me to be like. Take it or leave it.

My Wednesday love was supposed to be something very different... but I changed my mind at the last minute. I felt like pouring my heart out. Felt like saying what I feel like saying. Being what I am.

1 comment:

Rhi said...

i love you :)