A bit of a blue theme, aparently. Lot's of smiles today. The lamp posts that run up my road. My road. The underground. Starbucks. Blue sky and sun. Being at home. Yummy walnut and banana cake. Cherry fruit tea. Seeing friends. London streets.
To make this cake you will need:
200g sugar,
115g butter (or pure if you are going dairy free like moi)
2 eggs (or4 egg white, 2 egg whites = 1 egg)
4 bananas mashed
150g self raising flour (or plain and add in suitable amount of baking powder)
100g wholewheat flour
100g chopped walnuts
Vanilla extract (optional, I add it to everything I bake ;))
1. Cream the sugar and butter.
2. Mix the eggs, flour, and banana into sugar and butter.
3. Mix in the walnuts, and spoon into a cake tin. (If need be seperate into two tins, a deep one will take forever to cook. Trust me, I learnt the hard way!)
4. Cook for 45-60 mins on 190 degrees C.
Eat your yummy cake with a cup of nice tea and all might seem well with the world for a brief moment.
Hope your wednesday's were happy <3
Happy Wednesday :) Cake sounds delicious, I shall have to try it soon as I love baking.
I can't believe you stole my recipe idea!! LOL Is there some kind of freaky connection in the air, or what??? Love U xxxxx
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