Wednesday, 11 June 2008

a wednesday big love

dear lovely - yes i am talking to you - the crazy fun rocking you!

there is something about toes. i love. i really do. you might think i am not normal. well. that probably is because i am not. and that's ok. i accepted that fact a long time ago. normal is boring anyways. so. i might just enjoy being. me.

it's raining again today. i am not complaining. i am thanking the heavens for it. it's cool. there is that soft breeze going through the house right now and it inspires me. totally. completely.

my son's been having fun destroying everything that is on his path! literally. having 2 eyes at the back of my head is becoming more than handy. the only problem is: 'i don't have 2 eyes at the back of my head'. so. you can imagine the state of my house. actually. no you can't. it is worse than worse. that's ok. i've been prepared psychologically. well. i think so anyways?! and, i am accepting the fact that prepare or not prepared, i am thrown into the mad discovery mess of a baby's world. it is so much fun. very interesting. and extremely tiring.

so. on that note, i am going. going to bake, tidy, play and work.

happy wednesday to you my lovelyhead. i am thinking of you as you're going to America and spend some good times with your loves. you deserve to go there. so. enjoy - every day, minute and seconds. i will be here thinking of you, as always.

me xxxx

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