Blogger hasn't been working for me! But it is now, happy days.
This little beauty was part of my birthday present from Lucy. Isn't she pretty? I had been in Accessorize admiring these ladies, but not being able to justify purchasing one for myself - and then there she was! In my belated birthday package! She has legwarmers!
So. I'm taking a selfportrait/photo (either one) a day for this month, because it is the month that I turned 24. I really don't mind getting older. Some people freak out about it - my cousin does. She gets all depressed and miserable coz she has to add another year to her age. Me? I LOVE adding the years! Seriously. I can't wait to be proper old.
But this little lady has made me want to actually make a self portrait. So that is what I shall do. I thought I would post here, see if anyone (flo!) wants to do it aswell. She/he can be made out of anything. A paper doll with chanageable outfits, a reconed barbie complete with hand made accessories, a cloth rag doll, a box lady. You name it, i'm pretty sure its doable.
I have nooooooo idea what i'm doing. I just think it will be interesting to see how I 'make' myself. There's no deadline. Just an invite to do it with me :)
Chops away. Uni, boooooo.