Sunday 26 August 2007


New banner babies! To honour the arrival of one teeny lovelyhead!

Flo had Calum today at 1.22 am - which is loooong, because she emailed me yesterday saying she had been having contractions since 3 am her time (that's midnight uk time!). She went into hosp at 5 am her time, where they told her she definitely was in labour, but go home and come back within 2 hours. So bless her - it seems it was a long one! It was definitely epidural called for in my opinion!

I'm crazy working on the announcement for her right now. But I have it on good authority from Mr.Flo, that she is doing well still in hospital with Calum.

Ah *sigh* I just want to squeeze those cheeks!

Thursday 23 August 2007

*wednesday love*

My mum.
Showing me the places she walks alot.

Wednesday 22 August 2007

*wednesday love... for me?!?*

this made my day. i got a wednesday love today. funny how little things can make such a big difference.

Monday 20 August 2007


I heart music alot. This song Something About Angels by Justin King - I love big amounts. It's one of those songs I listen to over and over and over again. I love those kinds of songs. Stay by Lisa Loeb was the first song that I ever found like that. It was the first single I ever bought, and I still love it and listen to it over and over again.
Music = Magic.

Friday 17 August 2007

little things...

tonight, i really want to taste one of those... (rhi's amazing baking talent)

and wanna eat this...

i could never eat breakfast without this love of mine...

could definitely eat this forever...

my fav shoes (trademark)

ok... enough rambling now!

Thursday 16 August 2007

Wednesday 15 August 2007

Some babbling...

"Because it isn't just concerts and surfing and the high points, and it isn't just those beautiful moments in the midst of the everyday and mundane; it is also in the tragic and the gut wrenching moments when we cannot escape the simple fact that there is way more going on around us than we realize."
Something I realised when my brother died, is just how tragedy is all around. I know that probably makes no sense seeing as I actively choose to try and see beauty in things, but I'm pretty sure it is not untill you are living in total pain, that you begin to realise the pain that is around you. You become aware of people that have no idea of the pain, and people that are living through so much more than you that you don't have a right to hurt. You measure people by their ability to understand and the people who think they understand but really don't.
Aswell as choosing to attempt to find glimpses of beauty in the mundane, I also choose to believe that as Rob Bell said "there is way more going on around us than we realise."

I've had to not see some people, not talk to others, because they are so unhelpful and unhealthy for a person in grief. Do you know what? Three and a half years on. I am okay with that. It's necessary. Some people, no matter how they think they are, really aren't good for me. And I am okay with it.

I want to spend my time with people who think about more than their next purchase, people who don't overspiritualise the smallest things, people who havn't left their humanity behind. People who think, who are acting out their words, people with integrity, character, and passion. And I am okay with that.

But most importantly, I want to be a person who is helpful for others in grief and pain. I don't want to be one of those people that others avoid. I want to be a person full of love and compassion.
THAT is beauty, bitches boooooi! (As Rhys would say.)

Tuesday 14 August 2007

I'm craving to do those things everyday. To live means 'to be' for me. And it can be a tricky thing to do. To smile. To love. Even when I don't have reasons to. Even when it seems pretty dark around. Doing it because I am 'me'. And that's more than enough.

Wednesday 8 August 2007

*wednesday love*

This is the view from my mum and dad's new cottage. Could it be any more peaceful? It's bliss.
I thought that garage was kinda funny. It's just randomly there!

Wednesday 1 August 2007

wednesday love

a place of peace. quiet. sincerity. love. that's where i wanna be right now. somewhere where i can rest. everyday. forever. make my life count. living a life full of integrity. i am learning. learning to grow. even when it hurts.